Wow, I have not came on this thing for a long time and quite frankly, don't even know if people still look at this! Well let's catch up where I am at in my life... hmm.. I'm 20 and I guess I'm in that transitiion point of life where I am trying to decide on what I want to do with my life from here on out. I have a very mature good girlfriend who loves me to death and we are both thinking about a family and the future. As of right now I am ready to man up and take responsibility if I have a family and I want to take care of them like the only way I know how. I went to a couple of terms of college and that didn't work out so well probably because I didn't know what I wanted to do with my career. I took accounting and let me tell ya, it was so boring. I'm really interested with art and music. I have a creative mind and I would really like to use it but I'm scared that there is no life in it? (money). Every day that passes by I think of how I am wasting my t...
Showing posts from June, 2012