Update time!!!! Danggg a lot of good things have been happening to me lately (sorry for not posting up sooner). Ever since I switched my mentality to the "I can" mindset everything has been turning into my favor! Recently I have gotten the manager position for my schools student store. I have joined Key Club. I have gotten my job back. I aced my tests. And life is lookin pretty good yalL! Keepin busy with everything, that's for sure. Note to self: Keep busy, it helps! Remember to always sow seeds. If nothing is happening it's because you never planted a seed in the 1st place. How can you reap harvest if you never seeded (just saying)!?!?!?! You have to be working the hardest out of everyone around you, it don't matta wat u wanna do wit ur life! Even if u wanna be a hamburger flipper, my advice to u is to be the best dam hamburger flipper of all time!!! Lately people been saying, "well I just dont know what I am, I dont know what I wanna be", and that...