
Showing posts from August, 2009

at peace with your OWN mind

Consider this... How many ppl out there actually think that they are in peace and are saved? Well, if to this day they effects of opinions and acceptance of others crushes you, you think you REALLY been saved??? think about it. :] I come to realize that everyone in the entire world has got to have some sort of motivation that they can use to acheive there dreams. Motivation might be a father/mother, brother/sister, friend, GOD!. Be careful about what you choose to do with your life we all have choices we can make, no one is going to force you to make that good/bad decisionn that you are facing. It all comes down to what type of person you want t be, whether it be a negative rude person or a enlightened bright person. Every day I choose to make myself a positive person someone who will make peoples days better and wont judge anyone by their color, actions, or sins. There is for a fact a nicer better person inside everyone it really just matters if we are going to take the time to get to...

Beats headphones by Dr. Dre

These are the dopest headphones I have ever listened to! A MUST HAVE for music lovers!

Getting after it!!! Without FEAR!!!!

Everyone can dream!!! But out of all the millions and millions of people who dream, how many ACTUALLY live???? Once we decide that we are not going to live in fear that is when we will truly start to believe in our dreams and start LIVING them!!! One wise man said "I prayed and prayed all day and night, and nothing happened until I started praying with my legs... !!!!!!. get after it yall!!! :) Once you realize that life is NOT easy that's when life will start getting easy! My motivation post it notes are working better then I could imagine! I wake up feeling and thinking SOOOO motivated! Don't believe me huh???.... TRY IT!!! YOU TELL ME!!!!!????? Don't worry I"ll wait :) lol. I love yall!!! Peace out good night. "freedom is only a state of mind." MezKid. God bless.


I recently started another GREAT project!!!! Gotta give mad props to my baby Victoria for giving me this idea... Tonight I started a wall of Post it notes, not just any ordinary post it notes!!... They are inspirational quotes!!! How genius is that?? Waking up to motivation every day, could you ask for anything more??!?! :-) I'm excited to see how far this will take me!! If you haven't gave this a thought, you should start THINKING!!!!!!! It's a beautiful thang!!!!!! LETS GET IT PPl!


Sometimes the hardest part of life is finding yourself and being yourself. It's extremely hard now a days to be ones self when we are all affected by today's media, athletes, and superstars. We all must give second thoughts into what we take in from the media and so on, at the same time we don't have to completely want to change ourselves into the glorified "perfect" lives of celebrities. What I'm trying to get at here is that we have to try hard, REALLY HARD, to be ourselves and nobody else! Don't know who you are??? Go out and try NEW things!!! Obviously what your surrounding yourself with ain't helping the least bit!! Right?! :) A really difficult part in your "road to finding yourself" is realizing that what you been doing for years and years may not have been the best route. Trust me, I KNOW!We are only human! You can't expect to be "Mr./Mrs. Perfect", while millions of other people in the world are going through the pain, ...


I recently just took up a incredible idea that mom Julie gave me, future boards! I just barely started on mine last night and it is incredible! It has me so focused on my future and I honestly can't wait until I have all of my goals or most my goals I should say pasted on there, considering my goals will keep adding and adding as I go on! The purpose of my future board is to keep me motivated every single time I look at it, and its a constant reminder of why I am doing what I'm doing, looking at the picture of what I want is going to help me think "come on, don't give up! Your almost there!" LOL. I recommend everyone do a poster board! Best invention since sliced bread! Lol. I"ll deff keep everyone posted with my project. Talk to yall soon, gotta another GREAT day ahead of me. "Freedom is ONLY a state of mind" MezKid. :)

Ya ladies act like i dont do enough work and then when i do work, ya act like i do too much work! LOL

The beauty evened out the beast and she can't be without MEZ. :)

Make me feel like lalala :)

Victoria Stottlemyer, or should I say Meza. :) I am so happy and words will never be able to describe how happy I am with you. I admit I have made my mistakes in the past and yet you keep messing around with this man, hoping that one day he will get his shit together. I love you for that. I don't look at you from a shallow point like everyone else looks at the world now a days. I see your inner beauty and why lie? I ALSO see your beautiful physical features! ;) We came a longggg way, and I definitly aint going to let all our love and memories die for any of the road blocks the world plans to place in front of us. I personally believe that they are ALL tests to see how STRONG our love is and to see if we really are ment to be... and yes we are going to stay together, as far as I KNOW!! :) lol. You help and give me the courage and inspiration to follow and stick to my goals, I dont know what it is, but whenever I see that pretty little face of yours my day is MADE! I couldn't ask...



today made me realize that i am destined to stay in a city! as i was picking up mom from the airport, the fancy cars/ people made me have a crave to be around that all the time. I don't know whether it was the Kanye West tunes bumpin or what, but something inside sparked. THANK YOU MOMMMMMMM.:) It motivated me to keep going and put my everything into everything that i do! I'm glad that I got Julie and Ed in my life so that they can help me progress as a person and call me out when I'm in the wrong! I really needed that!!!! Aint nothing better then eating some KFC wit everyone and playing some WII, may I add which I kicked some ASS, for a first timer!!!! I suggest that everyone go out and hang with their family and have some bonding time, there is NOTHING like family love. Don't like where yall at? Then MOVE!!!!! i gotta keep pushing myself until i get that house i posted up earlier! time to take control everyone! this is Your life and only you can decide if you are read...

Mood swings like the Oregon weather.

Over here with the girlfriend. i cant believe the day drasticaly changed within a couple hours. still at the house about to take a nice log relaxing walk, time to clear out my mind. i think this will be very beneficial considering football season is tomorrow! can you say stressful? lol. note to self. got to do some shopping! need new gear! "Freedom is only a state of mind"! god bless. Mezkid. :)




Just woke up, a hour ago, if that. My girl came over to visit me and honestly I couldn't feel any better! I have NO CLUE what we're doing today other then picking up mom Julie at the airport, from her trip @ Texas. She's really doing a good job getting motivated and getting after it, I'm so proud of her! I'm going to try and take advantage of today (sunday) considering I missed church... :/.. Going to go on a walk hopefully find something to do with the girlfriend. :) Remember!!!! Live as if you were in a car crash, no thoughts of the future nor past, just living for the PRESENT!!!!!!!!!! "Freedom is ALL a state of mind" God bless. MezKid.

Baby I'm good!!

Pop this song in EVERY TIME you hop out the shower, feeling fresha then a muh'fucka! Puts me in a better mood!!


Wassup, er1? Finally got this blog up. I KNOW I'm a little late. I was inspired by the infamous Diggy Simmons. Saw his AMAZING ideas and fell in love with his concept. Lately I been having troubles finding myself. Without the help of a father or a mother to be TRULY there for you it's hard to find your purpose in this life. All I can do is keep my head up and move forward and KNOW that there IS a reason/purpose for me on this earth! I wake up thanking god for giving me life once again. Realize that freedom is only a state of mind. You can be happy if you choose to be happy. NuffSaid. Come on yall lets get motivated!!! From here on out I'm going to be giving 110% into everything that I do!!! Let's get it. I will keep everyone informed on my pursuit to happiness. Keep holding on! Thanks for checking in everyone. :) God Bless. Mez.